Making  Better And Healthier Choices When Ordering In

Making  Better And Healthier Choices When Ordering In

Preparing your own meals is actually the most ideal way to do to maintain healthy diet. However, it is not for everyone sometimes. Some people are too busy running errands outside their home just to make a simple tea. Hence, the solution for it is ordering foods online or eating out. Most people say it is not the healthiest choice but you can actually maintain balance diet even though you are likely ordering in. 

Tips to make better choices when ordering in

Eating takeaways on daily basis can be harmful to your wallet. As for health point of view, it is not that bad.there are many restaurants ou there that offer healthy dishes made with a consideration of balance diet. Hence, it is a matter of choices you make. You can still eat healthy while ordering foods from restaurant with these tips:

Always do your research

Keep in mind that there are so many restaurants out there offering variety of choices you can take. Do your own research about the restaurants around you. Go through the menu each restaurant offers. Also, check nutritional information if available. You can even ask the restaurant staffs via phone or live chat feature on their website to find more information about their menu. 

Prefer steamed, baked, grilled, or seared foods

The most appealing foods must be the ones that are fried. Yes, those glossy, glimmering foods are so tempting and you don’t seem to get enough of them. However, deep-fried foods are high in fat and carbohydrates. They also have that addictive effect that lead you to overeat. Hence, it is best to avoid or minimize ordering fried foods. Instead, go for dishes that are steamed, baked, grilled, or seared. 

Customize your order

It is not uncommon for customers to make special request of their order. All restaurants must know this and are usually very accommodating. Hence, you don’t have to hesitate to ask if you can make special request or customized menu to order. Therefore, you can order foods that fit your diet and healthier lifestyle. 

Be mindful with high-fat diary dishes

Some dishes are often added with variety of dairy such as cream, butter, cheese, etc. Dairy products are not very good for your body especially when you consume them excessively. They can cause inflammation and other health problems. Therefore, be mindful with what you order especially if the dish contains dairy. You can ask the restaurant to remove the dairy or look for another option that you feel lighter. 

Consider skipping your dessert

Some people eat dessert either because they love it or because they are still hungry. If you want to order in dessert because you are afraid you are not going to feel full yet, choose other alternatives that are healthier instead of those sweet treats. You may opt for yogurt, green tea, or fruits instead. If you really crave for dessert, make sure to not overeat it. You may share a piece of cheesecake and share it with your family or friends.