Keep Your Gut Healthy and Happy While Travelling

Keep Your Gut Healthy and Happy While Travelling

Travel is not always all rainbows and sunshine. It can be stressful both for your mind and happy. Hence, it is pretty common for travelers to experience upset stomach or grumpy guts while travelling. Digestive issues can happen anytime but when it happens when you are travelling, it can cause many discomforts. Also, you feel like it distracts you from fully enjoying your trip. 

How to keep your gut healthy when travel

First, travel can be a very hectic time. Your normal and healthy diet is probably not available. You maybe try many new foods in new place especially processed foods. Overeating can be the cause as well especially if you are not used to it. Those things can place more stress on your digestive system during travel than at home. Here are some tips for you to keep your gut healthy and happy during travel:

Watch your meals!

Avoid overeating no matter how tempting it is. Trying new foods in new places is tempting because you want to fully experience the trip. However, it can stretch your stomach and can cause food obstruction. It is easier for your digestive system to get various problems.

Drink enough

keep hydrated

Keep your body hydrated throughout your trip. Keep in mind that dehydration is one of the major causes of constipation. So carry your water bottle around and drink lots of water. However, be mindful if you drink water in new place. Do not just drink from tap water. Also, avoid ice cubes especially in places where the water is not safe. 

Food with fiber

Choose foods wit plenty of fiber to keep your bowel movement regular. There are many sources of fiber you can find even while travelling such as seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains. However, remember to stick to cooked vegetables and peeled fruits while travel to avoid the risk of foodborne illness. 

Choose what you drink

Be mindful when choosing your beverages while travelling. Drinks with lots of caffeine, sugar, or alcohol can irritate your GI system especially if you already have sensitive stomach. Drinking those beverages carelessly whole travelling can lead water, diarrhea-like stools. 



Cook your own foods if you have time so you don’t have to full rely on restaurants or processed foods. You can buy fresh produces from the local grocery stores. Aside from helping your stomach to stay healthy, it helps save money as well. 

Don’t delay bathroom needs

If you need to use the bathroom then do not delay it because ignoring it can lead to irregular bowel movements and other GI discomforts. Also, it is best to avoid oily and spicy foods when travelling. You can eat them if you like but make sure to not go overboard. 

Good hygiene 

Practice good hygiene whenever you are such as washing hands. Also, it is best to carry over-the-counter medications just in case you experience digestive problems when travelling. You can pack some antacid for hurtburn for example. If you already have digestive problems, make sure to talk to your doctor prior the trip so you can take the right prescriptions.